Today I spent 10 minutes trying to wipe off hair dye from my face, only to realize it wasn't hair dye. The marks were age spots... (I wish I were joking)
Before going back to work tomorrow, I was really, {REALLY} hoping to lose 10 pounds, but the extra month off, really wasn't good for my waistline.
Before going back to work tomorrow, I was really, {REALLY} hoping to lose 10 pounds, but the extra month off, really wasn't good for my waistline.
Once I realized I couldn't lose 10 pounds overnight, I thought I would at least colour my hair. Makes sense, right?
Now, I am not a hairdresser. This was confirmed a couple of weeks ago when I tried to cut my Son's hair. All I can say is thank goodness he is only one, and will not remember the whole ordeal.
Now having made this confession, I would kindly ask that you please not tell my Grandmother.
Now, I am not a hairdresser. This was confirmed a couple of weeks ago when I tried to cut my Son's hair. All I can say is thank goodness he is only one, and will not remember the whole ordeal.
Now having made this confession, I would kindly ask that you please not tell my Grandmother.
When I was a teenager, I took a semester off from High School and moved to Mexico to live with my Grandparents. The plan was to brush up on my Spanish, (and learn to read and write) but when I arrived, my Grandma gave me two options.
Option #1) I could enroll in school as planned
Option #2) I could take private Spanish lessons and use the remaining time to travel.
Option #1) I could enroll in school as planned
Option #2) I could take private Spanish lessons and use the remaining time to travel.
Duh... There was really, only one logical choice.
I absolutely insisted I go to school.
Okay, that's a lie! I chose option #2. I figured I could practice my "Dos Cervezas Por Favor" at the resorts.
So, I got a tutor. And my Spanish really suffered as I became good friends with my Spanish teacher. We spent most of my class time at the local coffee house drinking coffee and chatting about her boyfriend. (Come to think of it, maybe we weren't really good friends as I was still paying her for Spanish lessons and her coffee).. Great.
Okay, back to my lack of hairdressing skills...
My Grandmother thought it would be fun for me to join some classes in between our travel adventures so that I could make some friends and have some fun. So I joined hair dressing school... (Why hairdressing and not baking you ask? Because her Nephew owned a hairdressing school.) So my hairdressing really suffered as I made some friends and we spent most of the class at the local coffee house drinking coffee and chatting about their boyfriends.
Do you see a pattern?
I do like coffee.
So, now you know. I dye my hair and I have age spots. I blog about hairdressing but throw in some baby shower cookies and cupcakes.
I am sitting in my kitchen eating a pear, pretending it's a cupcake. Yet still, in all likely hood, my uniform still isn't going to fit me tomorrow.
That's it. End of Story.
Happy Grey's Anatomy night. Do you watch?