Sunday, May 1, 2011

In Preparation for Bake Off

After the devastating tragedies which took place in Japan, my friend Sue Jean and I decided to organize an Easter Bake sale to raise money for the Canadian Red Cross-Japan Earthquake/Asia-Pacific Tsunami Fund.  

The sale took place on Wednesday April 20th at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, targeting the employees of Air Canada.
I can't lie... I was seriously nervous! We had absolutely no idea how many people to expect and this was my first bake sale.  
I envisioned the two of us coming home at the end of the day with boxes and boxes full of cookies and squares that hadn't sold.
Still, I set a personal {unrealistic} goal of $1000, and {secretly} I felt a little sorry for our husbands.  

You see, Sue Jean and I had decided that if we didn't sell everything, the husbands (Mike & Dave) would either be selling our leftovers to their colleagues, OR they would be purchasing everything themselves at double the asking price. 

It made sense.  If we had that much left over, we would have no choice but to charge Mike and Dave double to make up for lost sales.  :) 
In total, we went through 24 pounds of Butter, 22 kilograms of Flour, 15 Kilograms of Sugar, and 7 flats of Eggs.
Incredibly, we managed to sell out of everything 2.5 hours before the end of the sale.

Lucky for Mike and Dave.

We were so busy during the sale that we didn't manage to get any decent pictures...but that's okay... busy is good!  
We surpassed our goal and raised a total of 


for the Canadian Red Cross.

I would like to thank the following people for all of their assistance in the planning and execution of our Bake Sale.

Carin Brown and Mike Trauzzi of Air Canada 
for all of their hard work with the permits, tables, and set up for the event.

Nathalie Rebelo of Rebelo Photo & Design
for designing and donating posters

I would also like to thank a number of companies for donating baking supplies, allowing us to keep our costs low, and surpass our fundraising goal.

To the Air Canada Employees and our Family and Friends who purchased items from our Bake Sale.  

Finally, I would like to thank Dave, Mike and my Mother, for all the work they did to help us out.

Thank you for making our event a success!

1 comment:

  1. You and Sue Jean are absolutely awesome for having done this and I'm so happy for you that you sold out of everything! Super effort for a super great cause!

    p.s. everything you showed here looks delicious!


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