Monday, December 13, 2010

Run, Run, as fast as you can...

Every December I make a list.

A very extensive, unreasonable list of things I would to like to accomplish before Christmas Day...

Items such as making a Gingerbread house and decorating cookies for every single person I know.   Oh, and  making my own Christmas cards and chocolate truffles.

Perhaps, I could learn how to sew in time to make gifts for the entire family.

Oh, how I would love to see the look on my Brother's face after seeing his shirt made by me... Did I mention I can't even sew a button?!

And the list grows and grows...

And grows...

Now, for my friends wondering why they have never received a Christmas card in the mail or a single cookie delivered to them, it's because I said I make a list...

Before I know it, December 25 has arrived and I haven't accomplished nearly what I had planned.
In my perfect world, December would have 62 days, not 31.
A Simple Gingerbread Man
Given that I am on maternity leave this year and my work schedule wasn't a concern, I began my list a little earlier... and although I have managed to decorate many cookies, I know that by December 24th I will still be running to the store looking for last minute Christmas gifts.

But I will worry about that on the 24th...
So, this year, I thought I would try something new.  A little giveaway...  

So here it is... A chance to win 6 Gingerbread snowflake cookies.  It may not seem like much, but hey, I only have 3 followers so your chances are pretty good.  :)
To enter simply leave a comment on this blog post.  To double your chances, add a second comment to my facebook page telling me you are entering the cookie contest!

Contest closes on Friday December 17th at midnight, and will be chosen by

Good Luck.
(Due to Shipping regulations, contest open to Canadian and Americans only)

"... you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!"


  1. Anyone who doesn't leave a comment for this yummy free giveaway is a fool!! hee hee


  2. mmmm..... count me in please!

  3. Yummmm, I want COOKIES!!!! hahaha


  4. they are gorgeous!

  5. I'm in! And I'm off to facebook too!

  6. Not sure why my first post didnt work...Pick me pick me, I've had no time for baking this year so a few cookies are better than none ;)

  7. Do Mom's count? I'm in..

  8. SJ was right...your cookies (and cakes) are absolutely beautiful. Congrats on the new you, i'm on mat leave too. :)

  9. Jen You baking is so YUMMY! Why would i pass up such an offer! Hopefully I can catch you Mr. Gingerbread man! Mia would love to eat you too :()


  10. oooh please please pick me......
    did I tell you how lovely you look today:)

  11. Me me me! I follow you, I just don't know how to 'join' your page. I'm a little blog stupid:S


  12. The cookies look great and the snowfalkes are beautiful! What a talent you have :)

  13. The cookies look great and the sonwflakes are beautiful! What a talent you have.

    Krista Watts


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