Sunday, November 6, 2011

Are you sleeping? It's my one year BLOGiversary!

On October 30th, I celebrated my first year BLOGiversary.

Holy Moly.  A WHOLE year.   
When I first started this blog, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep it up. What on earth was I going to write about?  

Then I realized. 

Writing all my thoughts down here (for you to read), could save my poor Husband from listening to my useless thoughts at  11 p.m. when he is trying to sleep.

Good thought, right?  No. Not really, because truthfully I still pester him when he's trying to sleep at night.  I can't help it.  Night-time is when all my thoughts come to me.  

It usually goes something like this... 

     Me: "Hey Mike, are you sleeping?"

     Mike: "Huh?  Trying to."

     Me: "I just thought of something.. blah, blah, blah"

     Mike: "uh huh"

     Me:"Okay, Goodnight!"  "Oh wait, I just thought of something else. blah, 
           blah, blah"

     Mike: "uh"

     Me:"Okay, Goodnight!"  "Oh, one more thing, I promise.  Blah, blah."

     Mike: No answer.

     Me:"Okay, I swear, this is the last thing.  blah, blah, Wait.  Are you sleeping?
           Mike!  Are you sleeping??"

     Mike: "Why don't you write it down and we'll talk about it in the morning."

     Me: "Uh, cause I'm going to be too tired in the morning, silly!"

That's usually how it goes.
So, the other night, I was thinking about my a blogiversary and how I was in need of a giveaway. At midnight (of course) I asked my Husband:

     Me:  "Pssst, you sleeping?  Mike, are you sleeping?  Can I give away 
             a Kitchenaid for my one year blogiversary?"

     Mike: "I guess, If you want to give away your Kitchenaid, you can.  But 
              I can't imagine anyone would want a used one"...
     Me: "Umm, Does that mean you aren't going to sponsor my giveaway?"

     Mike: "Good night, Jennifer"

     Me:  "Should I write it down and we'll discuss it in the morning?"

Crumb.  That wasn't the answer I was looking for.  By changing ONE single word... a simple "a" to "your", he managed to completely ruin my giveaway.

So I had two options.
1) Give you my used and very much loved KitchenAid (since my Husband wasn't going to sponsor my giveaway with a new one) 


2) Sponsor my own giveaway with something I could afford. 

So I had to turn to option B.  I know.  It stinks.

And, I'm so sorry guys.  I love you, but there is no way I could give away my beloved Kitchenaid... even though she is nearly 10 years old, I simply love her too much!  And truthfully, I know you wouldn't want it.  Alright, if we are being honest, I am afraid you would.
After so much time preparing this dessert table, I didn't even get a decent photo.
(I could have at least removed the saran wrap, right?)
Before I get to the giveaway though, I would like to thank all of you so much for visiting my blog over the past year.  For reading my ramblings, leaving comments,  and inspiring me. I never imagined I would meet so many wonderful people and enjoy blogging as much as I have, so thank you!
Okay, back to the contest.  Since a new appliance was out of the question, I figured I would give back to the those who have helped me make it through my Red Eye flights since returning to work.  
Click on picture to take you to
Plus, I thought you could use a latte or two for all the late night baking parties you will be having in preparation for Christmas, right.  Think of all the latte's you can have with this 
$50 Starbucks gift card 
Contest now closed.  Thanks to everyone who entered!

Okay, down to the Nitty-Gritty.

To enter this contest:

1) Leave me a comment.  For fun, tell me what you will order at Starbucks if you win this contest.

2) For an extra entry "Like" me on facebook, and come back here to tell me you did.  If you already "like" my facebook page, leave me a comment on this blog post telling me.  

3)  For an extra entry, share this giveaway with your friends on Facebook (with a link back to this post) and come back here to let me know you did.

4)  For an extra entry Tweet about this giveaway including a link back to this page and @bedielsAndCo and leave me a comment here to let me know you did.

Please note, that only comments on this blog post will qualify for the contest.  :)

Contest will close at midnight on Monday November 14th and the winner will be chosen using 

That's it.  4 chances to win!  

Please note:  This gift card will be provided by me (or my Husband if I ask him when he's sleepy enough).  Starbucks does not in anyway sponsor this post. 

Contest open to Canadian and US Residents.

Good luck!

Thank you to everyone who entered the Starbucks gift card giveaway.  The winner, chosen by was #3 (my Mom).  My Mom graciously gave her prize up for another lucky winner. 

The official winner is 

theBrainrunner said...

Venti soy Caramel Machiato extra shot of expresso


  1. I'm banned from caffeine at the moment, so i'd get something boring like a herbal tea, but i'd chase it with a peice of cake;)
    Jessica Broadfoot

  2. I already like you on facebook (always have;))and I will link your blog on my page.
    Jessica Broadfoot

  3. the largest skinny peppermint mocha and a blueberry scone.

  4. you know I always like you on facebook.

  5. I'm not entering the contest, I just wanted to congratulate you on this one year blogging anniversary, tell you that your dessert table is gorgeous and wish you all the best for another wonderful year.

  6. Damn it - no Starbucks in Perth, but if I could enter I would ask you and Patty to join me and get a iced coffee and a piece of every kind if cake to share and then we could watch our asses grow...miss you Ren xox Kaffin

  7. Awesome giveaway :-)
    I love their Hazelnut Lattes!
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  8. Venti soy Caramel Machiato extra shot of expresso

  9. Hi Jen! I just found your blog and it looks like just in the nick of time too!

    With a $50 Starbucks gift card I would order 10 Triple Venti Toffee Nut Soy Lattes! YUM!

    And my Kitchenaid mixer is probably 14 years old and was a refurb unit when I bought it. I run it like a dog every week and it just keeps on mixing... I love it!!

  10. Well I already "Like" you on facebook. With the card and a new baby arriving I would buy lots of Venti Tazo Chai's and banana choco chip cake!!! yummy. Not as good as your baking, but I dont have access to that everday :)

  11. I would definitely get some of their Espresso Roast to make at home and a tall, non-fat vanilla latte! yum! Make sure you check out my blog - I currently have a Cake Boss book giveaway and another book giveaway coming on Friday also!

  12. My favourite is Peppermint hot chocolate. I have already liked your facebook page. I have linked to your facebook page. I don't Tweet but I know two little cutties who like to chat. :) Does that help? ;)

  13. Hey! If I win I'm drinking Tazo Chai Soy Lattes and not sharing with Dave! I did all four things, do I have to leave 4 messages?

  14. I tweeted and while I was there, I followed you!!/30Minutes4Me/status/134112279464644608

  15. I shared your giveaway on my Facebook page! (I have a lot of Starbuck loving fans...hmmm)

  16. I love your crack me up! I "Like"d your blog. I "like"d you on facebook. I don't know what I would order...I haven't treated myself to anything like that in about 3 years...hmmmm since I married my hubby and had babies. Somehow it becomes about them. Yesterday I went shopping and treated shave gel! How awesome is that... P.S. I still remember the birthday cake for Mel's 30th birthday. Too bad you don't live closer...I have a birthday party for 4 kids in December and I am in charge of making cupcakes...wonder how they will turn out!

  17. okay, I already "like" you on facebook!

  18. I would order the Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino! Yumm :)

  19. I follow and shared on Twitter as @margaretimecs!/margaretimecs/status/134385686722785280

  20. 'Liked' on Facebook as Margaret Imecs and shared!/permalink.php?story_fbid=283978748300747&id=1389580799

  21. I'd go up to the Starbucks Barista and ask for a Bediels cookie. If they say they don't have any, i'll say why the f not? I'm jones'in here. Fine, give me a Bediels cupcake then. What no cupcakes?! Ugh, grande soy no foam latte.

  22. I will order a white chocolate mocha! :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  23. I like you on fb as Dee G. Happy blogiversary! :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  24. shared on fb :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  25. tweeted! woohoo thank you so much for the chance! :)!/DeeGee13/status/134513760655249409

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  26. Happy Blogiversary!!

    I would save the card until their Christmas mugs come out and get one of those. And also an Americano with room and whip!


  27. okay, I facebooked you too! Peace out!

  28. i will order a cinnamon dolce latte!! mm sooo good!

  29. i liked on facebook as chris gee!

  30. i shared on facebook!

  31. tweeted!!/cg689/status/135035314338148352

  32. I will order a mocha and again going on the assumption that I'm buying something with this gift card that I won, I will also buy a cake pop because I love them and rarely splurge on them!

  33. I liked you on FB!! (Chrissy Megan)

  34. Shared on FB!!

  35. Tweeted!!!/krisgan07/status/135400717677633536
    Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  36. I would get Soya green tea lattes and regular lattes and green tea with peppermint AND occasionally their specialty coffees like the eggnog latte. Yay to warm drinks on a cold day!

  37. I already like you on facebook!!

  38. I would buy the most flavoured, sugarful specialty coffee that they have....maybe even with a Christmas flair.....and maybe one for Jeff too!

  39. I already like you on facebook....if there was a love button I'd do that too:P

  40. .....I shared twice.......just saying!

  41. I'd order an egg nog latte!
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com


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