Eventually, most of it gets done... It just takes an incredible amount of list making to accomplish my goals.
It's SO great... (a little bit of sarcasm inserted here)
I'll admit, it is pretty satisfying when you complete something and you are able to cross 3 things off your list...
Not so satisfying however, when your Husband points out that you are, in fact, crossing off the same item 3 times, on 3 different lists.
Who asked him, anyway?
I didn't realize I had such a problem until my friend Sue Jean pointed out that she spotted one of my lists written on a ripped up pizza box. I thought it was genius by the way, but she thought it was weird and bought me a box of note paper.
As a "professional" List maker, which I will now call myself, I have developed categories that I use on a daily basis.
Feel free to use them if you wish.
Write List
Have a shower
Email someone. Anyone.
Look for something edible in the fridge for dinner.
Hope your husband doesn't read this list.
As a "professional" List maker, which I will now call myself, I have developed categories that I use on a daily basis.
Feel free to use them if you wish.
The Important Stuff
Raise $10,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society
Raise $10,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society
Write a blog post about hair chopping fundraiser
Find someone to cut your hair for free (preferably a professional)
Solicit donations from all your closest friends who are going to pretend they never read this part. :)
The Daily stuff
Make beds
empty dishwasher
Make dinner
Go to stupid work
The Fun Stuff
Bake Cookies
Go to HomeSense
Crank the tunes and pretend you're a Rockstar
The Necessary Stuff
Grocery Shopping
Wash Bathrooms
The "I Have Absolutely NO Intention of Doing This" Stuff
Wash floors
Clean closet
Clean out storage room
Clean Garage
The "Holy Crap it's Almost 5pm and I Need Things to Cross off My List" Stuff
On August 31, 2012, I made a commitment to raise $10,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society in Honour of Mr. Shin and Lynne Ferris.

We are almost half way to our goal of $10,000. From wedding cakes, to dessert tables, cookie favours and bake sales.
For months, I have been talking about chopping my hair for the next fundraiser, and talking about chopping my hair, and talking about chopping my hair. My 4.5 year old Daughter joined in, and so did my Mom.
So enough talk. here we are. Ready to chop, chop, chop.
We are aiming for the first week of April for our haircut. No shaved heads, but it will be short. I promise.
The money we raise from pledges will go to the Canadian Cancer Society.
And the hair will be donated to Locks of Love, a non-profit organization which provides hair pieces for financially underprivileged children dealing with long term hair loss.
To pledge us online, please click here Or contact one of us.
If you wish to donate a haircut (or 3), or know someone who would be willing, please let us know.
Please note: we really would prefer a professional, so that excludes most of my friends and family. :)
Thank you for your support!